For immediate release
August 17, 2004
Amanda Cooper
Maura Keaney
UNITE HERE says “Turn the Corner, President Bush”
Union Unveils Giant Banner Near RNC Site
(New York, NY) – On August 17, UNITE HERE will hang a giant banner from the headquarters at 275 Seventh Avenue. The sign reads “Save America. Defeat Bush.”
“Bush says the economy has ‘turned the corner.’ Well, that’s not what our members throughout the country are saying,” explains UNITE HERE General President Bruce Raynor. “I hope the President turns the corner from Madison Square Garden during the convention, and sees our sign staring at him. It reads ‘Save America. Defeat Bush.’ If you care about saving American jobs, health care, education, social security and other issues important to average Americans, then you know that there is nothing more important than outsourcing this administration come November.”
The sign has been erected in time for the Republican National Convention, and will stay on the building until Election Day. The banner is also a symbol of UNITE HERE’s commitment to educating and mobilizing thousands of members and general voters in an effort to elect the Kerry/Edwards ticket.
UNITE HERE is the newly merged union representing hospitality, gaming, apparel, textile and laundry workers. The new union boasts nearly half a million members, and is dedicated to political action.
“This election is a make or break moment for average Americans. So much hangs in the balance that there is nothing more important for our union to be do between now and November than turn out every vote we can for the Kerry/Edwards ticket,” says UNITE HERE President for Hospitality Industries John Wilhelm.
What: 25 by 75 foot sign 6 blocks from Madison Square Garden that reads “Save America. Defeat Bush”.
Where: UNITE HERE international headquarters 275 Seventh Avenue, at the corner of 26th Street
When: Tuesday, August 17, 2004 through November 2
PHOTO OP: Giant sign reading: “Save America. Defeat Bush.” Erected mere blocks from the Republican National Convention site.
For more information, please contact Amanda Cooper at 212-332-9376. Learn more about the sign here. Learn more about the labor rally on September 1st to protest President Bush’s anti-worker agenda at The New York City Central Labor Council website.