Pages May 22, 2014
For the Canadian Member Data Privacy Policy, click here. UNITE HERE has created this privacy notice to explain how we use information that you may provide while visiting our website and/or visiting UNITE HERE’s pages or accounts on third-party websites (such as Facebook and Twitter), and to demonstrate our firm commitment to Internet privacy. UNITE […]
Press Releases August 7, 2007
Carmel, CA. UNITEHERE! Local 483 members at the Carmel Mission Inn approved on Monday, August 6, the thirteenth Monterey Bay hotel labor agreement in a Union contract negotiation campaign that began thirteen months ago. The workers approved the contract on a 95% vote. The new agreement covers 40 Carmel Mission Inn workers—housekeepers, front desk, maintenance, […]
Press Releases December 3, 2019
Livestream: Follow along on Twitter: @Culinary226 & @UNITEHERE WHAT: Town Halls with union members and Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Vice President Joe Biden to discuss issues important to working people in the 2020 U.S. presidential race. UNITE HERE will also host a roundtable (that will not be attended by candidates) with union members from across the […]
Pages August 30, 2019
See the trailer: Premiere Broadcast September 3, 2019 @ 8/7c America ReFramed on WORLD Channel Streaming Available 9/3–10/3/2019 Too few politicians are union members, grandmothers, and immigrants. But one politician is all three: Councilwoman Carmen Castillo. Carmen Castillo is a UNITE HERE union housekeeper and city councilwoman in Providence, Rhode Island and “Councilwoman” is […]
Press Releases November 8, 2017
Richmond, VA – Despite the Pharmaceutical industry working with the Republican Attorney General’s Association, or RAGA, to buy the Virginia Attorney General’s seat, the will of voters has again thwarted Big Pharma with John Adams’ defeat. “Big Pharma poured $1,789,755 in to RAGA this cycle, and even after they spent a quarter million of that […]
Posts June 22, 2010
With a hot new pitcher on the mound and a freshly-approved contract in hand, members of UNITE HERE Local 25 are enthusiastically cheering on the Nationals. Workers at the Nationals Stadium in Washington, DC, overwhelmingly approved a new contract agreement on June 21. "It’s a great contract," said UNITE HERE Local 25 Executive Secretary-Treasurer John […]
Posts April 16, 2007
On April 12, over 1,500 Washington D.C. hotel workers joined UNITE HERE International President Bruce Raynor and Local 25 Executive Secretary-Treasurer John Boardman to rally for workers’ rights and a fair contract agreement in upcoming negotiations. “Hotel workers deserve jobs that support families,” explained Boardman. “They are fighting for a better life for themselves and […]
Pages November 12, 2024
UNITE HERE is providing notice of an event that occurred which may affect the privacy of information of members of the international Union. Although we are unaware of any misuse of information, we are notifying affected members to let them know what happened, what we have done, and what they can do to protect their […]
Press Releases March 28, 2012
Pebble Beach, CA — UNITE HERE Local 483 members at the prestigious Lodge at Pebble Beach voted overwhelmingly to approve a 5-year labor contract Tuesday evening, March 27. Approximately 94% of the voting members approved the agreement, calling for a minimum of $1.90 per hour in additional wages for non-tipped workers over the span of […]
Press Releases February 23, 2017
Don’t want to watch President Trump’s first televised address on Tuesday? Instead, join Cleve Jones—LGBTQ hero and author of When We Rise: My Life in the Movement (the partial inspiration for the forthcoming ABC mini-series When We Rise)—for a “behind-the-scenes” discussion on Facebook Live! Tuesday, February 28 from 6:00-6:30pm PST FACEBOOK LIVE: Submit your questions to Cleve in […]