For immediate release
September 17, 2010
Nischit Hegde
(510) 219-6347
NLRB Cites Elite Club for “Restraining and Coercing” Workers
Castlewood Workers Mark 200 days of Lockout
Pleasanton, CA – The National Labor Relations Board has issued a complaint against Castlewood Country Club for engaging in unfair labor practices, “interfering with, restraining, and coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed in Section 7 of the (National Labor Relations) Act,” and “failing and refusing to bargain collectively and in good faith.” In order to celebrate the ruling and protest the 200-day lockout, workers are marching in front of the Club with their families and community supporters.
The lockout began 200 days ago over what seemed like a health care dispute, with the club demanding that workers with families pay $739 per month toward their family health care costs, nearly 40% of the workers’ average take-home pay.
During recent negotiations, it has become clear that the dispute is about much more that health care. “The Club recently proposed a contract that basically guts seniority and job security. We, the workers, have refused contracts that hurt our families. This proposal is no different,” says Francisca Carranza, a maintenance worker at the Club.
“The Labor Board complaint confirms what we workers already believed. Our managers aren’t negotiating in good faith to find solutions that work for both sides. It seems that they want to break us and the union,” says banquet server Sergio Gonzales. “It’s just not going to work.”
Unite Here! Local 2850 represents over 2,000 hospitality workers throughout the East Bay. The 61 locked-out workers at Castlewood Country Club have been represented by the union for over 30 years.