For immediate release
May 31, 2005
Leonard P. O'Neill
(831) 375-2246, or cell: 595-2499
Monterey Bay Travelodge Settles With Federal Labor Board
Over Second Set of Union Charges
Monterey, May 31: UNITE HERE Local 483 received word from the Regional Office of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) today of its May 23, 2005 announcement that the Monterey Bay Travelodge had entered into a settlement agreement with the federal government in response to union charges. The settlement requires the Travelodge to post and comply with an NLRB notice that the Monterey Bay Travelodge:
* Will NOT tell employees the Travelodge can close the hotel, or file bankruptcy, and will not tell employees they will lose their jobs if they continue with Union activities and with talking to the media.
* Will NOT threaten to terminate employees for engaging in Union and/or protected concerted activities.
* Will NOT interfere with employees’ protected rights by asking them to stop attending Union rallies and asking why they are with the Union.
* Will NOT in any similar way frustrate employees exercise of the federal rights to a) form, join or assist a union; b) choose representatives to bargain with the employer on the employees’ behalf; and c) act together with other employees for their benefit and protection.
Although the Travelodge refused to admit that it violated the law, the settlement requires it to refrain from such conduct in the future, and to post the federal notice in the workplace for two months assuring workers of their rights.
“This is the second time the Monterey Bay Travelodge has settled with the National Labor Relations Board,” said Leonard O’Neill, Secretary-Treasurer of UNITE HERE Local 483. “This settlement should make it clear to Mr. Seo [the hotel owner] that workers have a legal right to exercise their union rights without interference from management.”
The NLRB required the hotel to post notices allowing the employees to leaflet without interference in its November 2004 settlement with the Travelodge over the last union charge. That same month, UNITE HERE Local 483 announced a boycott against the Monterey Bay Travelodge, protesting the owner’s elimination of employee health insurance and pension plans. The boycott continues.
Local 483 will sponsor a rally to support the employees and protest the actions of the Monterey Bay Travelodge owner, Kilsoo Seo, on Friday, June 3, from noon to 1 p.m. in front of the hotel at 2030 North Fremont Street in Monterey.
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