Here are some examples of the protections and protocols from the HMSHost health and safety literature in their manual
Is HMSHost doing all of these things in your airport? If you have concerns, be in touch with your union representative to make a plan to be safe at work.
You can insist that Is HMSHost management follows their own written COVID-19 Health and Safety protocols!
“Associates will be provided comprehensive training on safety guidelines and best practices…”
“Having the proper PPE and following health and safety guidelines is an important step to ensuring associate and guest safety. Equally important is training our associates on how to use the equipment and follow the protocols. Taking the time to teach, coach and monitor for compliance is perhaps the greatest gift we can give to our associates…”
“A HMSHost Safety Ambassador will ensure safety and cleanliness protocols are implemented.”
“Associates are instructed ‘IF YOU ARE SICK, STAY AT HOME’. This message is delivered using posters/infographics, shift meetings, and pre-shift wellness checks. “
“Wellness checks are conducted everyday on associates before the start of their shifts.”
Wellness checks include questions and a temperature check. Associates must have a temperature reading below 99.5° to begin working.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
HMSHost literature says every associate working in a restaurant is required to use gloves, and a mask, and that in addition, the company will provide face shields to all associates who want to use them. “Each associate receives their own face shield with their name on it. “
“We are providing rest breaks and safe areas for associates to remove their mask and take break.”
“…put on new gloves every 30 minutes or more frequently, based on need. “
“Hand washing with soap and water is required a minimum of every 30 minutes.” “Associates are provided with adequate time for required hand washing…”
“Hand sanitizer is available as added protection against the spread of germs and the COVID-19 virus. It is not to be used in place of hand washing.”
- repeated every night:
- Thoroughly detail-clean entire facility.
- Sanitize all food-contact surfaces.
- Disinfect all high-touch areas throughout the unit.
- Disinfecting high-touch surfaces throughout the unit every hour at a minimum
“We conduct contact tracing and require impacted associates to quarantine.”
“The location where the associate(s) worked is closed and professionally sanitized, and all CDC guidelines are followed prior to reopening.”
Social Distancing
“Plexiglass shields installed at cash registers and key touch points.”
“Closed alternating tables and chairs.”
“Designated pick-up areas for to-go orders at storefront.”
“Positioned credit card machines so that guests may swipe without associate contact.”
“Associates should work at least 6 feet apart from one another as much as possible and inform each other if 6 feet of distance will be breached.”